Wednesday, July 21, 2010



hii there!

Yeah, balloons are pretty random. Though I don't find that surprising, saying how lame this blog is. Oh well. Today I hung out with Ashwini! Yeah, I know you don't care. Well you see, we played with water balloons. I mean, balloons are amazing! You can shape 'em for like, anything. You can fill them with junk [I prefer water] and fool your foolish friend. Ha! FOOL your FOOLish friends! Ahh, I crack myself up. Hm, I'm not sure what else I can comment about balloons. Maybe I could become a clown when I grow up! So therefore, what do you enjoy about balloons? I don't expect any answers to this lame question. :D


  1. haha i like hitting people with ballons :P

  2. ikr! i went up to my balcony and dropped a balloon on ashwini:D

  3. omg, you know whats so much fun? you fill a balloon up with water. and break it agaisnt the floor, and dont clean up

  4. that's what we sorta did,,, outside?

    we tried throwing the water balloons through the basketball net while the other person stands below the net:P

    but it didn't really work because i'm a lousy thrower;)

  5. bahahaha sounds fun.

    i would just aim at the person intstead of basketball net
