Saturday, November 13, 2010

Welcome Back, Saveena.

hii there.

Well you see, just as i predicted on my first blog post-i gave up on this blog.

It's just TOO BORING.

I don't know what to write about, my life is pretty boring at the moment.

I guess this post is just to inform that this blog is officially silly, whether I get back to it or not.

My older posts are pretty lame too, they don't even sound like me.

It's pretty funny how Tumblr's are back in the trend, when it's been around for so long and there are so many other clog friendly websites.

But whatever, most fads (SAT word) start out like that.

Well these are the words that pop off my head.

Oh, you know what bugs me?

When people find something hilarious online, and take it as their own.

I mean sure, websites like MLIA,com are hilarious..but seriously, those things don't happen on an everyday matter.

Well pish posh, my complaining is over.

...did I really just say 'pish posh'?

loser. (:

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