Monday, November 22, 2010

American Music Awards. Booya.

haii there.

WELL WELL WELL. The AMA's last night were..okay. I'm a bit late with celebrity changes- i mean red hair?! REALLY, Rihanna? Now of course Chris Brown won't take you back. And P!nk's pregnant? I'm glad, she's actually getting a life. Though I do ADORE her song Raise Your Glass. :) Another thing, Taylor Swift only won ONE AMA? Crazy. In the last major award ceremony she managed to outscore Michael Jackson, but now she isn't even nominated for Artist of the Year?! Lame. Same with Eminem (HE SHOULD HAVE PERFORMED), he didn't win ANYTHING. :( On the topic of Artist of the Year, JUSTIN.BEIBER.?!. Why..HOW in the world had he won the biggest award? Something's messed up with Teenage girls nowadays-they are probably the only ones who voted for him anyway. One thing I found hilarious was how Justin Bieber won the award for Best Pop/Rock Singer, with Usher being nominated too. I mean it's pretty sad for Usher-since HE is the one mentoring JB, and yet he doesn't win the award. Pretty funny, though still lame.
Ahhh, well those were my observations of the AMA's last night, overall I though it was the performances that made it worth watching. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010



and that's basically all I have to say.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Welcome Back, Saveena.

hii there.

Well you see, just as i predicted on my first blog post-i gave up on this blog.

It's just TOO BORING.

I don't know what to write about, my life is pretty boring at the moment.

I guess this post is just to inform that this blog is officially silly, whether I get back to it or not.

My older posts are pretty lame too, they don't even sound like me.

It's pretty funny how Tumblr's are back in the trend, when it's been around for so long and there are so many other clog friendly websites.

But whatever, most fads (SAT word) start out like that.

Well these are the words that pop off my head.

Oh, you know what bugs me?

When people find something hilarious online, and take it as their own.

I mean sure, websites like MLIA,com are hilarious..but seriously, those things don't happen on an everyday matter.

Well pish posh, my complaining is over.

...did I really just say 'pish posh'?

loser. (:

Saturday, July 31, 2010


hii there!

I have been requested CONSTANTLY to share about my thoughts on Ratatouille-then I had an urge to talk about rats themselves. I adore the movie Ratatouille, but it seems a bit childish to ME (and that's saying a lot.) It was funny at times, but I'm not a big fan of movies with animals as main characters. What I WOULD like to talk about is the popularity between rats and mice! Many people (including me) find mice much cuter than rats; do we truly have a reason to dislike rats more? The same with cockroaches and ladybugs! Many people (not all) love collecting lady bugs, though I don't see any friends of mine collecting cockroaches-even though we see them everywhere! So now you tell me, what is your opinion of rats?

I do not expect any of you to answer me. :D

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


hii there!

I have been requested to blog about my favorite color/colors. I thought I might as well expand this into ALL of my favorites. I'm not a big fan of favorites just because in some ways its hard to choose. When I'm asked what my favorite color is nowadays, I don't really give a specific color. I mean, I would just say, "all of the colors in the rainbow...except the yucky ones." Yeah, not a great answer-though I'm not a very decisive girl. There's so many colors to choose from-have you heard of the color vert? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. It's supposedly a greenish color, though I have no clue. So now, you tell me- what are your favorites, of anything?

I do not expect and of you to answer me. :D

Sunday, July 25, 2010


hii there!

As you probably have not noticed, I haven't posted anything in like-3 or 4 days! Yeah, I'm pretty sure that you don't care, but I have taken this blog dearly to my heart...sorta. It would really be great for some ideas/motivations, because I don't think my topic about pumpkins was a big

I don't expect any of you to help me. :D

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Look at some other blogs:D

hii there!

well you see, a few of my buds have new blogs as well! (did I just say "buds?")


just do it.



hii there!

Yeah, balloons are pretty random. Though I don't find that surprising, saying how lame this blog is. Oh well. Today I hung out with Ashwini! Yeah, I know you don't care. Well you see, we played with water balloons. I mean, balloons are amazing! You can shape 'em for like, anything. You can fill them with junk [I prefer water] and fool your foolish friend. Ha! FOOL your FOOLish friends! Ahh, I crack myself up. Hm, I'm not sure what else I can comment about balloons. Maybe I could become a clown when I grow up! So therefore, what do you enjoy about balloons? I don't expect any answers to this lame question. :D

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


hiii there!

Well, ideas that I have received were asking about pumpkins and Roop! I'm not a big fan of pumpkins, though they aren't that bad. Pumpkin pie is pretty good, but I prefer apple pie-something sweeter. What I especially love about pumpkins is that you can carve them; that is if you have skill! Don't you hate it when you work hard carving a pumpkin to realize it starts molding in a couple of days? It frustrates me. How about I start talking about something-or someone-who does NOT frustrate. Hmm, ROOP!♥ There's too many good things to say about her. Uhh, well she is my best friend! She's pretty amazing, I couldn't live without her. Okay, well that was a bit exaggerated; I'm pretty sure I can live without friends and become a hobo, but friends make life better! All you readers out there-get to know her?
So all of you people who are still reading (MY ROLE MODELS):
Do you all like pumpkins? And don't you think that Roop is great?(I think yes.)

Monday, July 19, 2010

French's Mustard!

FRENCH'S® Mustard

French's® is the perfect, all-natural way to add zing to tried-and-true family favorites. No matter what the occasion—cookouts, picnics, family gatherings— French's® Mustard brightens the moment with every bite.

Since its introduction at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, French's® Mustard has been enhancing the flavor of classic American meals for generations.

Available in Classic Yellow®, Spicy Brown, Honey Mustard, Honey Dijon, and Horseradish Mustard flavors.

hiii there! :)

Well I myself cannot stand mustard, though honey mustard I can live with. Idea of this post from TOBY- thanks! Well, i have nothing to say about this mustard. My favorite condiment is barbecue sauce for sure. To me, the two most common condiments are ketchup and mustard, just because that's what schools normally offer. What's you favorite?

I don't expect you to answer my question. :D

uhh, well hello.

hiii there!

You probably are reading this because I showed you this link or I forced you to visit my blog.
I entirely understand if you exit out of this page, because I promise that I will bore the death out of you. I can imagine myself forgetting about this blog, so don't be too proud of me for creating my first blog. Oh indeed, i have created many useless websites in my lifetime, don't doubt me at that; maybe, just maybe, I will stick to this blog. If you are still reading, then you (unlike me) are my new role model for being able to pay attention to this dull post. I have no idea what to post on this blog, so help me? By the way, I don't expect any of you to help me. :D